Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time is on my side...yes it is...

Sorry - as the title suggests, I got nothin but time so I wanted to post again real quick to something that happened today (aside from my roommate taking a spill out of bed and quoting a circa 1990s TV commercial for elderly healthcare aids).
I was getting my vitals taken when Greg Roulette (Sam's uncle) and Sam were over. Sam and I were arguing about whether or not Gary Busey and Nick Nolte look the same. I said they do in certain pics (Nolte has gained a LOT of weight since Tropic Thunder) and Sam disagreed. Greg agreed with me because Greg is smart and Greg and I are CORRECT.
Anyway, my nurse had me hooked up to read my pulse and she had to tell me to stop arguing with Sam about Nolte/Busey because it was speeding up my pulse and if she recorded it at 145 they would probably put me on heart meds again. I had to take 10 deep breaths (and Sam had to shut up for 5 minutes) to get it down to 108.

Thanks, jerk.... :-)


  1. Sam, step away from my cousin and let her win the argument or I will be forced to come kick your a**. And you really don't want to get in a fight with a Hester:)

    Caity, I was very entertained by the elderly woman saying "I've fallen and I can't get up." I might go to hell for laughing about it, but you aren't alone!

  2. Caity,

    Please do not aide in giving Greg a "Big Head". Have you not learned yet that you never tell a man he is right? Hahahah! Hope you are feeling better, wish I could come to see you. Hopefully, I will be "bug" free some time soon. Always thinking of you, and keeping you in my prayers!


    ps... Yes, Sam is an ass! :)

  3. I <3 my family. :-)


  4. Hey Joan! You are also in my thoughts and prayers...hope you feel better soon!
    C'mon over when you feel up to it - would love to see ya again!

    And thanks for the lesson! Noted and filed! :-D

  5. Just for the record, I would not have laughed about what your roommate said! (If you believe that, I've got some AIG stock I'll sell you.) But in any event, I think for your penance you should watch Ed Asner re-runs for the rest of the day!

    I am glad you have your (Kannensohn/Hester warped) sense of humor back. Uncle Jerry

  6. I have re-thought the penance thing, and really think you should pull the curtain back and ask her to tell you stories about the "good ole days". Uncle Jerry

  7. Okay, it was like 10 seconds and not 5 minutes...

    Caroline, she already hits me like twice a day at the least, you'll have to get in line. :)

  8. Out of curiosity I just googled Nick Nolte and Gary Busey. I haven't been able to find side-by-side photos of them, but apparently a LOT of people agree with you, Caity. There are whole blogs about it. Who knew?
