Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ok here we are...

Not going to go TOO crazy on the posting so I don't bore y'all to tears but Leah just gave me my own account. It's been a really good day so far and Sam's coming in tonight from Wisconsin.
They went ahead and upgraded me to a normal diet so I'm eating normal food now. My appetite isn't what it used to be since I've lost a lot of weight but I can drink my weight in liquids, for sure! I cannot get enough water, apparently!

I don't even crave Coke, oddly enough.

Ok, that's enough outta me!

Hope all is well with y'all! :)


  1. Maybe you didn't crave Coke, but you ate that slab of chocolate cake without chewing I think.

  2. It was GOOD! You gotta indulge a little...

  3. I think you'd have to taste it to indulge. Just saying.
