Friday, February 20, 2009

Status Update-- Friday, February 20

Today, for the first time, we were able to communicate with Caitlin despite the heavy sedation and the ventilator. Those of you who know her are familiar with her dramatic facial expressions, and they were our primary cues to our assurances, questions, and comments.

We were elated to see the smiles, grimaces, eye rolls and "meanie" stares. She was restless and uncomfortable and frustrated that her hands were tied to prevent her ripping out the ventilator; she cried when she first saw me (Margaret), but that quickly passed. We recognize all of that is to be expected, and were awed that she remained -- in greatest part -- as calm as she did.

Heart rate, b/p, and fever are down a bit. Pain is controlled.

We think the ventilator will be replaced with trach tube possibly tomorrow, and if MRI from today reconfirms no neck injury, the brace will be removed. Those two things will permit her to talk and to move her head, which will give so much relief.

Once again, we are grateful for even the smallest progress. To us each little step is a major blessing!


  1. I gotta say, those grins today were absolutely awesome.

  2. Are y'all REALLY prepared for Caity's ability to talk to be restored? Might I suggest that you buy a gross of earplugs and distribute them to visitors and hospital staff?

    I am amazed at Cait's progress. I don't know why I'm amazed because she has always been such a fighter, but I am.

    Continued prayers for all of you!

  3. This has got to be the best news yet, since hearing about the accident! Our thoughts and prayers are for continuing progress with Caitlin's recovery. Gordon/Sheila Hester in Hendersonville, NC.
