Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Status Report -- Tuesday, March 17

Wow! Caitlin moved back home late yesterday, and her room was ready for her. Leah did the decorating, and we made it as comfortable and cheerful as possible.

Our major hurdle with the room yesterday was "evicting" Stewie, Leah's cat, who believed all the work had been done for her! I had made the bed and left the room to retrieve a pillow. When I returned, I noted a lump under the covers. Puzzled, I tried to smooth it. Stewie (who is, to put it kindly, quite eccentric) had nestled beneath it and settled in.

The night went well, and our initial fears proved groundless. We had gotten things pretty well under control due to Leah's planning -- which is so organized, efficient, and detailed it can't have come from either parent. Must be a genetic mutation or a gene which skipped Mike's and my generation -- a gift from some ancestor, which Caitlin also blessedly inherited.

Today was hectic. Home health care nurse and occupational therapist were here. Physical therapist will follow. It's complicated but reassuring. We will need a large wall calendar to keep everything straight!

Give us a week, and we'll have all this down to a science. We hope.

Caitlin is very tired and requires a great deal of rest. With all the frenzy around her right now, that's understandable.

We're just grateful to have her here with us. This is simply another step in the healing process. Everything will fall into place as it should.


  1. I'm glad you got settled in o.k. at home. I'm sure it will be an adjustment for all, but just tell them I said to do whatever you want! Love, Uncle Jerry

  2. Wow!!! Miss a day and miss a lot! I just had surgery myself, yesterday, and am home recovering, and this is the best news I've had all week! Caity, let me know when you're up for it, and I can hobble over and visit! Some day we can compare scars and stuff!
