Sunday, March 29, 2009

Scrabble Extravaganza!!!


That's me above enjoying my water of victory!

Dad requests a rematch to retain some dignity. Best outta 3. Apparently I won the battle but not the war. :-)

Friday, March 27, 2009

moving again!!!

I'm moving to room 760 to my own private room! I'm sad to leave my roommate but I'm glad to have some privacy finally!


Hearts and love and kisses,

It's been awhile...

Sorry for not updating lately!
I'm sitting here hanging out. I am doing MUCH MUCH MUCH better. I feel SO much like my old self again. I'm walking around a lot better without feeling dizzy or tired. Sam, Katie, Justin, Meagan and I all ate lunch in the cafeteria yesterday. It felt so NORMAL, which was so refreshing.
OH! I got a shower. a REAL shower (as opposed to a sponge bath) the other day. Right before they change the dressings on my stomach, I'm allowed to take a shower because they're going to get changed anyway so it doesn't matter if they get wet. I never thought I'd feel so grateful for a shower. It was HEAVEN!
I went outside TWICE the other day when it was really really nice. I went with Sam the first time and Katie and Sam the second time. 
I like to get out in the wheelchair at least once a day to go explore the hospital. I can maneuver it pretty well! I only use the wheelchair when I'm going a long distance. I'm doing a lot of leg exercises today with my thera-bands (huge rubber bands that I can do muscle resistance training with).
I have a new roommate and she's awesome. Very nice lady. Her son is adorable and her family is really cool.
Shouldn't be too much longer before I get to go home. I feel about 100 times better than I did the first time I was discharged from the hospital.

Love you all! Your prayers and love made this speedy recovery a reality!!!! :-)

Love, Cait

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Time is on my side...yes it is...

Sorry - as the title suggests, I got nothin but time so I wanted to post again real quick to something that happened today (aside from my roommate taking a spill out of bed and quoting a circa 1990s TV commercial for elderly healthcare aids).
I was getting my vitals taken when Greg Roulette (Sam's uncle) and Sam were over. Sam and I were arguing about whether or not Gary Busey and Nick Nolte look the same. I said they do in certain pics (Nolte has gained a LOT of weight since Tropic Thunder) and Sam disagreed. Greg agreed with me because Greg is smart and Greg and I are CORRECT.
Anyway, my nurse had me hooked up to read my pulse and she had to tell me to stop arguing with Sam about Nolte/Busey because it was speeding up my pulse and if she recorded it at 145 they would probably put me on heart meds again. I had to take 10 deep breaths (and Sam had to shut up for 5 minutes) to get it down to 108.

Thanks, jerk.... :-)

Things are what they are...

As it was pointed out to me, I'm greatly contributing to the healthcare system and lowering the national deficit (thanks, Uncle Bryan :-D ). What can I say? I'm a helper....haha in the hospital. Apparently I caught a bug. The CT scans came back negative thankfully so they're going with tummy virus and dehydration. It probably didn't help my stomach to go from hospital food to Subway, either. Lots of changes in a really short time, which is no one's fault - just one of those things. Seemed like a good idea at the time and then it didn't work out.
So LOTS of IV bags, some morphine, and some chocolate ice cream later...I'm feeling a lot better. Much much much better. I'm sitting up a lot better and moving around a little better day by day.
I've upgraded from "clear liquid" diet to "general liquid" diet. For lunch I had a really good potato soup - soooo much better than chicken broth day in and day out (ok, for 2 days but that's a LOT of chicken broth...and it's gross after while).
I have a roommate this time around. She's an 81 year old woman and she's a PISTOL! Reminds me a lot of my grandmother on my dad's side (Lolly). She has a bad memory so she forgets that she broke her hip sometimes and thinks she can walk.
She fell out of her bed today when Sam and I were watching a movie on my laptop. I didn't know she had fallen because the curtain separates us but she started moaning said "I've fallen and I can't get up." I had a pretty good indication she had fallen. I pushed my call button and Sam got up to go get help. She yelled, "and there goes a man walkin' by and he doesn't even care!". I tried to calm her down while Sam got help and explain to her that he wasn't ignoring her - he just wasn't medically trained to help her. A whole SWARM of nurses and techs came in to help her up by the time Sam got through alerting the whole ward. It was pretty chaotic but everything worked out.
She's ok and got checked out. She got pain meds and her family came to visit so all is well.
As far as karma goes, Sam and I know why I'm in the hospital and why he has diabetes - we can't stop laughing that she actually said "I've fallen and I can't get up."...after we knew she was ok, of course...but still...damn, I feel guilty. Please tell me we're not alone in thinking that it's a LITTLE funny she said that...

Ok enough from me. Hope all is well with everyone!

Love, Caity

P.S. Anyone got any good funny movies they want to suggest? I got nothin but time. Books?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Status Update -- Friday, March 20

Caitlin was readmitted to UK Medical Center this morning for a stay of perhaps a few days. She has struggled with nausea -- most seriously all last night -- and she is badly dehydrated. Tests are being run to determine the cause and to rule out any infection.

We are awaiting a room assignment, but she is being treated in the meantime. While this is distressing -- most particularly for Caitlin -- in some ways it is a relief, because last night at home was frightening for the family.

All in all, we think the doctor's decision to readmit is in her best interest right now. We just have to -- once again -- readjust to things as they are.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Status Report -- Tuesday, March 17

Wow! Caitlin moved back home late yesterday, and her room was ready for her. Leah did the decorating, and we made it as comfortable and cheerful as possible.

Our major hurdle with the room yesterday was "evicting" Stewie, Leah's cat, who believed all the work had been done for her! I had made the bed and left the room to retrieve a pillow. When I returned, I noted a lump under the covers. Puzzled, I tried to smooth it. Stewie (who is, to put it kindly, quite eccentric) had nestled beneath it and settled in.

The night went well, and our initial fears proved groundless. We had gotten things pretty well under control due to Leah's planning -- which is so organized, efficient, and detailed it can't have come from either parent. Must be a genetic mutation or a gene which skipped Mike's and my generation -- a gift from some ancestor, which Caitlin also blessedly inherited.

Today was hectic. Home health care nurse and occupational therapist were here. Physical therapist will follow. It's complicated but reassuring. We will need a large wall calendar to keep everything straight!

Give us a week, and we'll have all this down to a science. We hope.

Caitlin is very tired and requires a great deal of rest. With all the frenzy around her right now, that's understandable.

We're just grateful to have her here with us. This is simply another step in the healing process. Everything will fall into place as it should.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


So Monday is the big moving day. Some of my flowers have been taken back to my parents' house but my wall is still covered so it doesn't feel bare or anything, which is nice.
I think I have the mini-vac apparatus thing down to an's pretty easy to work. Oh and it has an 8 hour charge as opposed to a 4 hour charge, which is nice. I might actually get to go out and see a movie or something! There's a battery monitor and stuff, too so that's handy.
I got up and walked down the hall today with Dad. It's so weird being so winded and tired after a short walk but my body has been in a state of non-movement for a loooooong time, so it's to be expected. It gets easier day by day. I actually walked further down the hall than I did last time, so that's good!
Other than all that, there's not much to report. I have been resting mostly today and Sam is coming in soon. He was just here with his friend Nick, who I got to finally meet, and now he's showing Nick where the garage is and is comin back on his own.
Leah, Mom, and Dad have been working tirelessly to get the house and my room ready and I am SO grateful to them for it! "Team Kannensohn" can accomplish just about anything, I think.
Although I'm a little apprehensive about going home with a wound vac and all this other stuff and protocols, I'm super happy to be with my family and have the familiarity of home (plus Momma's cooking!!!).

Alright, that's enough from me. Hope everyone is doing great on this Saturday evening! :-)

Love, Cait

Status Update -- March 14

We didn't post yesterday, because we were stunned: Caitlin is coming home on Monday.

Because of youth, physical fitness, and the fact miracles do occur, she has exceeded time line expectations.

We were stunned, because we were caught totally unprepared. Once again, the U.S. Navy came through with incredible support and assistance.

Her incision site is still open and covered by the wound vac system. Only a few millimeters separate her abdominal cavity from the rest of the world. She will bring home a portable vacuum with about a three-hour capacity when off electric current. We'll have a home nursing service to assist her, and we will do the daily personal routines of post abdominal surgery, as well as hygiene for/with her.

So. The next two days will be a whirlwind of sanitizing the house, organizing surrounding rooms while setting up a back bedroom near a bathroom, preparing for delivery of a new bed, assembling basic needs, etc. The Navy is shipping in medical supplies.

This is all new to us, and it's a bit scary. But, we'll figure it out, and suspect that within a few days of her return we'll have a very efficient routine set out.

The primary thing is that she's with us, and will be HOME. We can remain with her during the continued healing and surgeries and other treatment.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Never never never quit" - Winston Churchill

Haven't updated in awhile. Things are kind of up in the air right now as to whether or not I'm going home or going to the VA hospital for my Navy check up as soon as TOMORROW!
Hopefully I'll know what's going on soon!
Katie came in today and put up a string of star lights in my room - my room RULES! The doctors/nurses/housekeeping people all comment on my flowers, cards, and decorations when they come in. It's become kind of a game for them to pick out what's new since the last time they came in. 
In other less happy news, Sam has diabetes. He blames his trip to Wisconsin (haha!). He's doing just fine and got his insulin and was educated on what he needs to do. They don't know if it's type one or two yet so they're just covering their bases until they get test results back. He's not too happy about having to give up brownies but he's taking it really really well - very positive person.

Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hey guys

Physical therapy came by today and I walked down the hall - also walked up/down 4 stairs and they gave me some strengthening exercises.
I didn't get to go outside as planned because things were a little chaotic but I'll probably get to go out later.
My room has gotten to look a lot like, well, MY room. Lots of pictures, cards and stuff posted up on the walls. Definitely feeling very homey!

Anyway, that's my quick update for the day! Hope all is well with y'all! :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Status Update -- Sunday 8 March

For those who've "been there" (either as a patient or as concerned family), it will come as no surprise that a hospital room possibly is less restful than Grand Central Station!

Yesterday Caitlin showed more sustained stamina throughout the day than before, but she's still visibly weak, and welcomes times when she can just take a nap.

The wound is still open but sealed. Even to a non-medically trained eye, it's obviously healthy. So, once again, we happily report another day of progress. Caitlin remains stoic and in good spirits, but she's showing signs of worrying unduly about little things. We view even that as a strong signal that she's healing, that return to her normal "worry-wart" self.

Once again, we cannot adequately praise the UKMC staff. We encounter a seemingly boundless spirit of genuine concern, professionalism, optimism, plain talking, and good humor everywhere we look: from the medical staff, to housekeeping, dieticians, cafeteria workers, shuttle bus drivers, parking lot attendants, volunteers, etc., etc. No wonder they are part of miracles every day.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ok here we are...

Not going to go TOO crazy on the posting so I don't bore y'all to tears but Leah just gave me my own account. It's been a really good day so far and Sam's coming in tonight from Wisconsin.
They went ahead and upgraded me to a normal diet so I'm eating normal food now. My appetite isn't what it used to be since I've lost a lot of weight but I can drink my weight in liquids, for sure! I cannot get enough water, apparently!

I don't even crave Coke, oddly enough.

Ok, that's enough outta me!

Hope all is well with y'all! :)

Ah ha!

Caitlin here!! HI!
Ok, so I kinda figured this whole posting thing out. A little bit anyway. Leah's working out right now and I'm chilling here and eatin my breakfast. I'm eating, walking, talking, etc. I might as well post a bit, right? LoL. I might tackle a crossword here in a bit, which should be fun...I've always liked those. I've also made a list of a bunch of stuff I want to do when I'm able to do so (when I get out of the hospital). Oddly enough? I've been jonesin to go swimming really badly. I can't explain it but I guess I've always been kind of a water baby. Swimming is really peaceful. There's a bunch of stuff on there - just long and short term goals to keep me focused. I have loads of time to think about these things - lol. The hospital is a great place for self reflection.
I also have loads of time to read the wonderful comments, emails, cards that I've been getting! I also have the benefit of smelling/seeing the most beautiful floral arrangements. For this. THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH! I couldn't ask for better people in my corner and I feel truly blessed with such a wonderful support structure. Y'all have been so great to me and my family - if y'all ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask!

Thank y'all again and I'll try to keep y'all as updated as possible so Leah doesn't have to.


- SuperCaity



Friday, March 6, 2009

Status Update-- Friday, March 6

What can I say? It was another incredible day. Caitlin has graduated from clear liquids to milk-based foods and can now enjoy creamy soups, ice cream, and pudding, among other things! She had white bean soup, ice cream AND pudding for dinner. And Jello, of course.

Our sleeping arrangement in her room reminds me of when we were kids-- both in twin beds (well, a recliner for me). The only difference is Caitlin hasn't been talking herself to sleep like she did back then.

We watched a silly mindless movie tonight (House Bunny) with Caitlin's friends KT and Jesse, which was fun and relaxing. I almost forgot we were in the hospital for a second.

Caitlin received a TON of e-greetings today from more people than I could name--- She sends thanks and love to you all. I think the hospital might start charging her for paper! If you have a few minutes free in the coming days, keep them coming. She has so much fun reading them.

Today was a great day and maybe the first day Dad, Mom, Caitlin and I have really felt relaxed. Hoping for a great day again tomorrow, but most of all, very thankful for today!

Love and happy weekend to all,


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Status Update-- Thursday, March 5

Caitlin had a much better night with a lot fewer interruptions...

She crossed another big hurdle today.

They graduated her to the Jackson Trache and she now has a valve in so SHE CAN TALK!

It was so great to hear her voice to go along with her always lively facial expressions. She's resting again right now with an utterly pleased and happy look on her face.

Her room is filled with balloons, cards, e-greetings, comic books, an awesome angel figurine, and the most gorgeous flowers. It smells wonderful in here! And, Caitlin just SAID, "I love 'em!"

Thanks to all for the well is great for her to know how loved she is!


Update @ 7:30pm: Cait can have water again and is now allowed to have a little jello, too! I don't think we've ever been so excited about jello in our lives!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Status Update-- Wednesday, March 4

I spent the night at the hospital with Caitlin last night. The nurses hooked me up with a cloth recliner, which apparently is a rare commodity around these parts and it's pretty comfortable!

Caitlin had a rough night, I suspect in part because of the move and the new surroundings, nurses, etc.

Her feeding tube came out last night and it appears that she aspirated a little, so unfortunately, she's back to no liquids or nutrients; after being able to enjoy Sprite yesterday, that's really hard for her.

She had a fever last night and her pulse was pretty elevated, so they ran an EKG and did a couple of chest x-rays. She had a CT scan today to check out her lungs. Her white blood cell count is really high, which means there is an infection somewhere (not uncommon in the hospital), so she's back on antibiotics. They are trying to figure out the source of the infection.

Needless to say, neither of us got much sleep last night, but she's resting peacefully now and I hope there won't be too many interruptions today, so she can rest up. She's a little down and anxious to "Go home...and go swimming" as she wrote to me earlier.

Again, I am reminded that there are going to be good days and bad ones. I hate to see her in pain/upset/uncomfortable/scared, but am trying to keep a positive attitude especially when I'm around her. We're going to wash her hair later (with non-hospital issued shampoo AND conditioner!), so she's excited about that. Anything that we can do to normalize this situation is a good thing right now.

Please send lots of prayers today and if you have a spare moment, send on an e-greeting to Caitlin. I think today especially is one when it'd be great for her to know how many people out there are thinking about her!

To send an e-greeting:

She's in Room 564. (List Caitlin Kannensohn as the name and Lexington, KY as the hometown).

P.S. She just received a couple of e-greetings-- Thanks, Sam!

P.P.S. She just received about 10 more! Thank you all! I can't wait til she wakes up and sees them!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Send Caitlin an e-greeting!

Caitlin is getting settled into her room. I am staying here tonight with her. Lots of requests for her room number-- it's 564 in UK Medical Center.

To send her letters and cards, etc.:

Caitlin Kannensohn
Room 564
UK Chandler Hospital
800 Rose Street
Lexington, KY 40536-0293

Also, UK Healthcare has a really cool feature where you can send patients an e-greeting. The nurses print them out everyday and deliver them to the patients. I would love for anyone and everyone to send an e-greeting to Caitlin and keep them coming! I know she'll love to hear from all of you!

Here is the link:



Status Update-- Tuesday, March 3

Sitting here at the hospital...It's our last day in the SICU waiting room because CAITLIN IS GETTING MOVED TO A ROOM TODAY!!!!!!!! She has made enormous strides today and is really excited about having her own room.

Another thing she's really excited about: She can drink clear liquids now including SPRITE! I've never seen anyone so excited about Sprite before, and it really makes me think about the little things in life we should all appreciate.

There were lots of high fives and smiles when we visited Caitlin and found out she'd be moved today. As soon as we find out what floor, etc., we'll be sure to let yall know.

She also was able to read through the blog thanks to my trusty iPhone and she was very appreciative of all the comments and outpourings of love from all of you-- please keep them coming, since she'll be reading it from now on, and I suspect, eventually taking over some of the posting duties.

She will be graduating to a Jackson trache (we like to think it's named for our distant relative Stonewall Jackson), which will enable her to talk soon.

It's been a banner day and we're so excited!!!!!

Status Update -- Monday, March 2

We'd been forewarned by the doctors that this would be a "roller coaster ride" of recovery -- that good days would be followed by not-so-good ones. That's an apt description of what we saw today. It wasn't bad (which is, of course, good in our new world...); it was just quiet. Caitlin slept almost all day; she'd been only lightly sedated for the changing of the wound pack which seals the section of the incision still open, and she slept all day.

At one point while I was there she woke up enough to, I think, recognize me for an instant, and then was totally disoriented. That's hard to see, and I hope my reassurances about where and how she was doing were sufficient to ease the panic I saw in her eyes. She drifted back to sleep.

So, it was a quiet day for her, and we pray and believe that these quiet, resting days are healing times. Her fatigue possibly also was a response to the previous, more alert, responsive days we've just seen.

She's still improving, and that is all that counts.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Status Update-- Saturday, February 28 & Sunday, March 1

Caitlin is demonstrating reservoirs of strength. When I visited her yesterday, I complimented her on being so tough-minded through this ordeal, and she wrote in all caps, "I DO NOT QUIT."

She was very tired today, but we took her a sleeping mask, for which she was very thankful. We hope she'll get a good night's rest.

It looks like she'll be moved to her own room soon and we're very anxious for that as is she.

We've been so thankful for her wonderful nurses, who were so kind and brought her a bear with notes wishing her well, which trumped the UK bear I brought her.

Thanks again for all your thoughts, prayers, and comments!
