Just got back from donating blood in the UK Hospital across from the cafeteria.
Caitlin lost a lot of blood after the accident and we are so grateful that there was enough on hand for her. Giving blood is another thing that we've realized is such an important duty in life.
If you get a chance today or sometime soon, please give some blood if you can and think about Caitlin when you do.
If you're in Lexington, the blood drive here is until 5pm today. You can also donate tomorrow here at UK Med from 8am to 5pm.
Here is the website for the Central Kentucky Blood Center where you can find local blood drives :
So far we've had 2 people donate in honor of Caitlin. Please leave a comment if you donate, so we can keep track!
Thanks so much! I will be posting an update soon,
They stole my O+ blood!