Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Hello, again, friend of a friend.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
The time is drawing...wait, it's here!
So I have one HUGE long line of staples down my tummy. Over 20 staples, I think. I'll get back to you on that. The staples go from the bottom of my breasts (another reason for no pics) to the top of my undies. The line is a little less than a foot. Eyeballing it (when it's not bandaged like it is now, I'd say about 9-10 inches).
On my left side about 3 inches down from my breasts is a vertical scar jutting out from the original middle one (just an incision site) and then there's one horizontal line about 6 inches down from my breasts where my mucous fistula was. Right below that last line of staples is a small hole where the JP tube was for drainage.
On my right side right across from where the mucous fistula scar is, there's a scar in equal length that's horizontal where my ileostomy was housed. Below that is the other hole where the other JP tube was.
When they undressed it for the first time, they found that the top left scar and the middle scar both had some skin infection. Nothing big because it wasn't internal and easily repaired. So the second time it was uncovered, they took out a few staples from each (3 from the big one and 2 from the little one on the side). They packed the open wound full of guaze and then taped over it and everything else like normal and then put a the belly band back on. The belly band is one long elastic band that goes around my abdomen that basically keeps me stable and able to walk without too much discomfort or pain. It also prevents anything from coming off or out that shouldn't, which is nice.
The first time the resident packed the wounds full of gauze (second day), she did it in the most sadistic way possible. I'm not a huge fan of residents generally and this chick wasn't a bad person but this kinda pissed me off. She took SCISSORS (no joke...blunt tipped scissors but metal SCISSORS none-the-less) after she took out the staples and then proceeded to stab in as much regular sized guaze as she could. Oh my GOSH I was pressing that button like it was going out of style.
The second time it was redressed, the nurse (named Leah, which I found to be cool because it made me feel like my sis was there), used ribbon gauze (which is smaller and lighter and can get deeper into the wound's edges and corners and packed it in with a long Q-tip. It didn't hurt one bit.
The third time it was packed, it was done by one of the very few residents I can count on one hand that I actually liked through this WHOLE ordeal. His name is Kevin and he used to be a therapist for trauma victims in the hospital and their families. GREAT guy. Decided to join up when he heard a resident pronounce the death of a family's loved one as "Hey, what can I say? he's dead." Kevin didn't think that was right and was like "Screw this, I can do this job better than THAT guy." and he's right. He's amazing. There's no end to what this guy knows and he's so funny and intelligent. He explained everything to me and made me feel completely at ease. He even took time out of his day to teach a nursing student who was in my room at the time chatting with me (nice girl named Lauren who I talked to at length about my accident - she was interested because she has a thirst for knowledge - I just like talking).
He went through everything with us...it was like being in a class where you really really like your teacher and he makes the material accessible. I asked him why the other method (scissor stabby-mc-pain-time) was still employed and he said quite frankly, "Because some people are sadists and assholes, Caitlin." Then I remembered he was in the room when she did that procedure - hm, guess he didn't like her too much, either. At least he's honest about it. I like doctors that don't BS you.
I don't know what I did to incur the wrath of that first intern but I told Dr. Bollanger about it - not to get her in trouble but moreover to correct her methods before she really hurts someone. I could give a crap whether she likes me or not. I can obviously take the pain (I've had worse...) - I just shouldn't have had to. I'm not normally a rat but that was kinda ridiculous what she pulled. You wanna be petty, call me a name or something. I made sure to tell Dr. B about how awesome Kevin was, how he taught Lauren and I, and how that dude should get a raise or a gold star or something.
So things go smoothy for the next few days. In the course of that time I got to see my sister and Dre (on Saturday and Sunday briefly - I was still pretty loopy but it was nice to see them for a little bit - missed them both terribly), Taylor and Baxter (yay!), Sam (which is a given - he's been here through everything else - and it's much appreciated), my parents (duh), Katie, Melanie, and Eileen. Bernie Conrad stopped by for a bit but I was out for the count. For the most part I asked people not to visit for the first couple of days because it was hard to know how I was going to feel on the day to day. Most of my visits came from family, really close friends, and people who weren't in town for too long, which was fine by me. I felt bad to kinda bar the guest list this time around but the situation was remarkably different because infection was such a key factor. I'm pretty sure everyone understood. I got some really nice balloons from Tim and Melanie, gorgeous flowers from Eileen, and a slew of well-wishes and such on my Facebook from awesome people. To those who didn't say anything, no worries! I didn't expect anything or anything and this whole surgery came in without warning.
I have an appt. on the 20th to take out the staples, I think. Or leave 'em in...at this point it's "meh, whatever, let's do it" with me. I've learned a lot of patience - makes when the actual date happens that much sweeter. I plan on going back to college, moving into my new apartment in Tony and Miranda's basement, getting disability until I can get a part-time job as a waitress or a bar back while I'm in college, take care of Sadie (Tony and Miranda's little one), spend more time with family/friends, pick up some hobbies like cooking classes, Krav Maga (an Israeli martial arts that my friend Jon does and swears is the best thing ever), swing dancing at the Fred Astaire school, and anything else I can learn/do).
So as this whole thing comes to a close, I've learned a lot. I've grown a lot. I've seen people around me change and grow with me. I've cried, laughed, cursed God, forgiven God, gotten closer to God, and gotten calmer about His plan for me (whatever that may be...we shall see!). I don't know EXACTLY what I want to do with my life yet. Nursing might not be totally out of the cards but I'd like to explore a few more things first (criminal justice or teaching). We'll see. I don't have to decide today, thankfully.
Right now I'm just relaxing and letting life take me where it takes me. I'm very proud of myself for getting this far and I'm almost done but none of it would have been possible without my friends, family, God, the Navy, and the staff/doctors/surgeons/nurses/etc. that work tirelessly everyday at UK Hospital.
Much love, God bless, and may every happiness be bestowed upon you and yours in all your endeavors.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Raining Outside, Sunny Inside
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dr. Phil makes me sad inside
Basically I pack wet gauze dressing into my (now tiny) wound in my tummy and put an absorbant pad over it and tape it. No more tubes or portable wound vacs to carry around. I'll probably go back to the wound vac but I might not...who knows?
I felt a little nauseated this morning but after some good rest, I felt a lot better.
Daddy went to the dentist today and they gave him some pretty good drugs cause Sammy and Justin had to help him up the stairs. He started saying some pretty weird crap in his sleep, which entertained Momma and I endlessly. He's doing pretty well now.
Katie's b-day is tonight and I'm headin there and see how long I can hold up. I think I'll do ok. I can hang in the kitchen sitting down for about an hour so I think I'll be ok.
Alright, enough outta me! Ciao guys!
Love, Cait
P.S. My doc's name was Nashley Steele...how cool is that?!